tisdag 5 maj 2009

I will buy flowers myself

Nika Zupanc er en slovensk designer som hadde en fantastisk liten utstilling i Milano i år. Hun stilte ut møblene sine i et lite dukkehus i Superstudio i Zona Tortona. Utstillingen ble kalt "I will buy flowers myself" og inneholdt møbler, belysning, barnemøbler og en elektrisk kokeplate. I tillegg til dette presenterte Moooi hennes Lolita lampe og Moroso presenterte hennes Tailored chair.

Nika Zupanc is a slovenian designer who had an amazing little stand in Milan this year. She displayed her furniture in a little dollhouse in Superstudio at Zona Tortona. The exhibition was called "I will buy flowers myself" and consisted of furniture, lighting, children´s furniture and an electric hotplate. In addition to this Moooi also presented her Lolita lamp and Moroso presented her Tailored chair. 

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